Kopački rit is a nature park, placed in the corner formed by the river Danube and its tributary Drava.
Depending on the water level, the water of these two rivers constantly shapes and changes the look
of Kopački Rit, creating a beautiful mosaic of lakes, canals, ponds, floodplain forests, reed beds and
wet meadows. It is one of the best preserved floodplains in Europe, including the Special Zoological
Reserve as the most valuable part of the Park. Kopački rit is characterized by exceptional landscape
beauty and great biodiversity. The whole area is widely known as a habitat for numerous waterfowl
birds, population of a common dear and our most significant inhabitant – white tailed eagle, which is
also a symbol of the Park.
Trenutno nema
Trenutno nema
Trenutno nema
White stork´s nest live-stream - The LIFE Danube Free Sky (LIFE19 NAT/SK/001023) project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union and the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.Storks are often victims of electrocution.See more
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